Friday 29 October 2010

Profile on Sir Patchy Self

-.- As much as I love doing profiles. Not at 1.37am...just. no.
But, this stuff needs to be done. Keek shall prevail! :3

When he arrived

Now :) *sorry for the unclean-ness*

Name: Kao
Show Name: The Lady Killer
Height: 14.1hh (and growing x_x)
Year of Birth: 2005
Gender: Gelding (ex breeding stallion)
Colour: Bay Sabino Tobiano
Breed: Clydesdale x (we think Paint. Another bunch of people have said Arab from the way his tail sticks bolt upright when he runs...O.o)
Type: Cob/Warmblood (technically, according to this [linkeh] he is a warmblood. So shove it ass hats. I'm right. Mwahaha!) 
Progeny: I don't have the exact details on all his foals. All I know is, there's a lot of them.

Uhh. So his story hmm.
As far as I know it went something this.

Bought by dealer person (whom I bought him off) at 6 months.
Backed as a yearling.
Bred as a 2 and 3 year old.
Gelded at 4.
Sold to me at 5.

I don't think there's anything to give detail about. Apart from he's a very misunderstood little pinto bean.
Well was. He's a little bit like a flump now.
He's been quite a project, still is really. But when he arrived -.- I couldn't touch his legs, couldn't pick his feet out without getting stood on or cow-kicked at, couldn't touch his ears, just generally turned into a f*cking wreck.
Even though all these problems arose when he arrived, I thought "k. He fits. I winged like a bitch for this horse. F*ck everything."
So, I kicked my winey arse into gear and got on with it.
The progress since then, has been absolutely incredible.

He's still nervous, but his confidence has soared in the past few weeks.
We decided to turn him out with two other boys, Stan the TB and Hammie, in a massive 10 acre field to eat down till December.
While he's a little sh*t to catch when the others are being fed, he sometimes comes to call *depends on the weather ^^* He's got a bit of trust in me I think. 
Until I got him, I thought every was just a typical, over-emotional, woman when they say "Omg I'm so proud! He's come so far! *bawls*" I sit back with the "=_= Grow up and cook my dinner." look.
But, now I know how they feel. There have been times where I could totally winge my nuts off over this pony.

Fail xD We were just starting walk walk though. To be fair ^^

We do have one major flaw in our plan to world domination.
He wont be clipped.
It took 7ml of Sedaline paste/gel, a twitch and someone holding his leg up for Mum to try and clip just his legs. He STILL managed to kick her o_o
He's not naughty, believe me I know a naughty pony when I see one, he really is just generally petrified of them. I've resorted to chopping of his feathers and beard with a mane rake. Works :D
If he does end up looking like he's going to get anywhere, then I'll obviously attempt to "clipper-tame" him. Probably will have no success but you got to try these things! :)

I've owned him 3 months in...2 days I do believe :)
I can honestly tell you now. I never in a million years expected my "main" horse to be a coloured cob gelding.
I'm partial to coloureds, but not orangey-bayish ones (because you can't just put any old colour on them and get away with it).
I wouldn't want to own a cob. I just wouldn't. A ton of bad experiences has caused a very slight dislike of them...there's a few exceptions but, they don't fart butterflies and glitter like everyone thinks.
They just. Don't.
They more like, fart smoke signals to satan, their creator o_o
Geldings. I like geldings, but the really good ones...don't really serve a proper purpose do they ^^' *man I'm going to regret saying that one day when my face is broken* They're just as temperamental as a mare, the riggy ones try and hump your leg *it's happened to me. that's how I know =_=* and really, I bet Red Rums breeders/owners balls hurt when he became so successful xD
For some horses, the poorly bred ones with no real purpose anyway, gelding is the way to go.

However. Since Kao is ex breeder and wasn't mutilated as soon as he dropped, could be why we've got a lot of trust in each other ^^ He's the *sort of* stallion I wanted, but not. 

My first video of us :)

Really though. He's pretty perfect, except for that clipping thing.
That's not good. It's erm, yeah.
But I ask myself, do I give up on what is possibly the best horse I've ever owned or deal with a little bit of sweat after workout.
No brainer really isn't it? :)

I'm retiring to my bed now.
It's taken me almost an hour to write this. I now have no depth perception and...the screen is going blurry.

I'll have another update for ya'll tomorrow, hopefully will get a new video :)